Alright, I'll say it. I'm an artist. True, my medium isn't really inks, nor is it musical much. But the expression of meaning through words is, and to me, art is any expression of meaning. But the biggest problem with writing is that it's always so conceptual.
Maybe you've got a tune running in your head, but can't get it into a ways others can hear it. Maybe it's a picture that won't find it's way to paper. Or, it's writing things that you know will be read by one person, and that one person only. These are all heavy limitations on your ability to express yourself. And then, when you actually make moves to go beyond concept and into execution, you show someone you trust what you're doing...
And the response you receive is a "You've got a good concept, but it's not ready."
Welcome back to the cave bub. Depression sets in, and you basically just want to give up, and yet you want to drive forward, show them that they are wrong... But you can't. You face it, and you see that you're stuck at concept only, and realize that a concept won't get you anywhere if you can't execute or express it.
Yeah, welcome to my world. Hope this isn't motivational to any of y'all, but I'm demotivated, and... Heck, If I can't talk on my NG page, then where else? Facebook, people know me too well. Blogs are watched by people I care too much about... There's a level of disconnection here that lets me know that if I get any feedback, it's honest.